Monthly Meetings:
The Pine Hills Neighborhood Association general meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month (excluding December, July and August.) at 7:00pm at LaSalle School (Hanner Center) 391 Western Avenue, unless otherwise indicated.
Guest speakers and other information on specific meetings is provided for members via our Google Group and can be found by non-members through event listings on our Facebook page.
Pine Hills Neighborhood Association - Monthly Meetings
Happy Holidays! PHNA will see you in the New Year on January 16 for our next meeting!
April General Meeting
Guest speakers from the Albany Public Library and the City School District will provide an overview of issues, priorities and their budgets. Via Zoom.
March General Meeting
Sam Wells (Albany’s Neighborhood Stabilization Coordinator) & Danni Smith (Albany's Housing Services Advocate) are guest speakers. They’ll be discussing Love Your Block, Good Neighbor Schools, Evictions data, vacant buildings, blight, and landlord-tenant issues.
PHNA October general meeting (online)
City Forester Jay LaVigne will be on hand to talk about the Albany’s urban forest, the ongoing tree inventory and the City’s initiatives in this area.
PHNA September general meeting (online)
Guest speakers on CDTA’s Bus Rapid Transit operations, updates on PHNA activities.
General Meeting with guest Tina Lieberman, Sustainability Advisory Committee
Guests from Albany’s Sustainability Advisory Committee will discuss their work and initiatives. Plus our regular Committee reports.
General Meeting featuring Albany City School District
Representatives of the Albany City School District will discuss the school budget and other issues.
March 18 Meeting features Policing Reinvention & Albany Public Library
Guest speakers: Dannielle Hille, Co-Chair of Albany Policing Reinvention & Reform Collaborative; and Scott Jarzombek, Albany Public Library Executive Director.